Gaza Nieuws: 25-10-2024

25 October 2024
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  1. Hamas activeerde 1000 SIM kaarten drie uur voor de aanval  op7 oktober

In de nacht van 6 op 7 oktober om 3 uur plaatsten HAMAS strijders een Israëlische SIM-kaart in hun telefoon. Om beter te kunnen communiceren als ze de grens over waren. Wat ze niet wisten was dat deze kaarten stiekem door de Israëlische geheime dienst Shin Beth waren verspreid in de rangen van Hamas. Het activeren van de SIM-kaarten was een duidelijk signaal dat er iets stond te gebeuren. Zeker omdat het er zoveel waren. Dat blijkt uit recente onderzoeken naar de gebeurtenissen op 7 oktober 2023. De activering gebeurde zo’n drie uur voor het begin van de operatie. Die tijd werd door Shin Beth niet effectief besteed om tegenmaatregelen te nemen. Zie 9.

Voor een uitvoerige analyse van de politiek en militaire situatie in de Israëlische maatschappij met daarbij een te verwachten oorlog met Iran zie 8.

Voor de Iraanse verbale reactie op de onthullingen over raketaanvallen op Iran. Zie 7.

De Amerikaanse militaire steun aan Israël is nu wetenschappelijk vastgesteld. Zie 6.

Verder de bekende artikelen over genocide, menselijke schild enz. Zie 2 en 5.

Voor onderhandelingen in Egypte zie 4 en voor politieke lobby bij de BRICS-landen zie 6.


  1. Israeli Strikes Kill 55 More Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, 24 oktober 2024, ‘Gaza’s Health Ministry said Thursday that Israeli forces killed at least 55 Palestinians and wounded 132 more over the previous 24-hour period as Israel committed another massacre at a school sheltering displaced Palestinians. The latest violence brings the Health Ministry’s death toll to 42,847 and the number of wounded to 100,544.’ Zie verder of


  1. ‘Palestinians will never leave Gaza, just as they will never leave West Bank’: Abbas

Anadolu Ajency,  24 oktober 2024, ‘Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said Thursday his people will “never leave Gaza” as he held talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the 16th BRICS Summit in Russia.’ Zie verder of


  1. US and Israel to hold Gaza peace talks in Doha

Financial Times, 24 oktober 2024, ‘Washington in push for a ceasefire ahead of presidential election next month. US and Israeli spy chiefs will hold talks in Doha this weekend as the Biden administration renews its push to halt the war in Gaza and secure the release of Israeli hostages after the killing of Hamas’s leader.’ Zie verder of


  1. The Israeli military has used Palestinians as human shields in Gaza, soldier and former detainees say

CNN, 24 oktober 2024, ‘The Israeli military has forced Palestinians to enter potentially booby-trapped houses and tunnels in Gaza to avoid putting its troops in harm’s way, according to an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldier and five former detainees who said they were victims of the practice. The soldier, who said his unit held two Palestinian prisoners for the explicit purpose of using them as human shields to probe dangerous places, said the practice was prevalent among Israeli units in Gaza.’ Zie verder of


  1. United States Spending on Israel’s Military Operations and Related U.S. Operations in the Region, October 7, 2023-September 30, 2024

Watson. 7 oktober 2024, U.S. spending on Israel’s military operations and related U.S operations in the region total at least $22.76 billion and counting. This estimate is conservative; while it includes approved security assistance funding since October 7, 2023, supplemental funding for regional operations, and an estimated additional cost of operations, it does not include any other economic costs.’ Zie verder of (zie ook bedoelde stuk hier;


  1. Report: Iran preparing responses to possible Israeli attack, scope will depend of severity of strike

Haaretz, 25 oktober 2024, ‘Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has told the country’s armed forces to prepare to responses to a possible Israeli attack, the New York Times reported Thursday, citing four Iranian officials it interviewed by telephone.’ Zie verder of


  1. The IDF Gave Israel a Victory Image, but the Netanyahu Government Is Only Focused on Iran

Haaretz, Amos Harel, 25 oktober 2024, After reports of a postponement, it now seems everything in place for Israel and Iran to trade ballistic attacks ■ Ironically, after recent successes, Israel is stuck with images that are not victory and is sinking into the far-right quagmire ■ And while the government is busy with political whims, the IDF is paying the price, zie verder of


  1. Reports: Hours before Oct. 7 assault, Shin Bet warned Hamas seemed readying to attack

Times of Israel, 21 October 2024, ‘Alert was reportedly sent to Mossad, National Security Council and Israel Police; noted suspicious activity indicating possible assault but did not give estimate of nature or scale.’ Zie verder of

Guido van Leemput


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