- De stelselmatige vernietiging van Gaza’s gezondheidssysteem
Het Amerikaanse persbureau AP heeft een onderzoek gedaan naar de aantijgingen van Israël dat drie ziekenhuizen in het noorden van de Gaza-strook Hamas zouden faciliteren. Geen aanwijzingen, laat staan bewijs, wel stelselmatige vernietiging. Zie 2.
Unicef luidt de noodklok over de aanvallen op het noorden van Gaza. Zie 3.
Wat is er van Hamas over na de dood van leider Sinwar. Zie 5.
Bij de BBC heeft het personeel er genoeg van. De slechte journalistiek bedoeld om Israël hand boven het hoofd te houden. Zie 6.
De uitgever van Haaretz spreekt van een Israëlisch apartheidssysteem en van Palestijnse vrijheidsstrijders. Redenen genoeg natuurlijk voor maatregelen als het aan sommige leidende politici ligt. Zie 4.
Over desinformatie en verhullingscampagnes zie ook 12.
Het standpunt van links in de VS en onder de Arabisch Amerikaanse gemeenschap brengt velen weer aan het konkelen en draaien. Zie 7 en 8.
Voor dood en vernietiging in Libanon. zie 9 en 10.
En van Hezbollah in Syrië, 11.
Naast kritiek op regeringspropaganda onder 12 ook een analyse van een eventuele Iraanse vergelding. Inschatting van Harel, via Iraakse shi’iten. Zie dus 12.
- Still Wrecked From Past Israeli Raids, Hospitals in Northern Gaza Come Under Attack Again
Associated Press, 3 november 2024, The last three hospitals still partially functioning in northern Gaza have been encircled by Israeli troops and caught amid fighting for weeks. They were built to be places of healing. But once again, three hospitals in northern Gaza are encircled by Israeli troops and under fire.’ Zie verder of https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2024-11-03/still-wrecked-from-past-israeli-raids-hospitals-in-northern-gaza-come-under-attack-again.
- Statement by UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell on a deadly weekend of attacks in North Gaza
UNICEF, 2 november 2024, “This has already been a deadly weekend of attacks in North Gaza. In the past 48 hours alone, over 50 children have reportedly been killed in Jabalia, where strikes leveled two residential buildings sheltering hundreds of people.’ Zie verder of https://www.unicef.org/press-releases/statement-unicef-executive-director-catherine-russell-deadly-weekend-attacks-north.
- Israel targets Haaretz after publisher calls Palestinians ‘freedom fighters’
Middle East Eye, 1 November 2024, Last update: 2 november 2024, ‘Israeli newspaper faces restrictions after Amos Schocken denounces ‘apartheid regime’ in Israel and calls for sanctions. The publisher of the Haaretz news outlet has come under fire from the Israeli government after he referred to Palestinian “freedom fighters” during a speech in London.’ Zie verder of https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-targets-haaretz-after-publisher-calls-palestinians-freedom-fighters.
- Hamas after Sinwar: what is left?
Financial Times, 4 november 2024, ‘Israel believes it has shattered the group’s military force in Gaza but the remnants will be harder to destroy. Ever since Yusuf and his family first fled Gaza City earlier this year, he has been shocked at how much of Hamas appears to be intact.’ Zie verder of https://archive.ph/Xyzkl#selection-1693.0-1746.0.
- Over 100 staff accuse BBC of bias in coverage of Israel’s war in Gaza
Al Jazeera, 2 november 2024, ‘Employees say ‘Israel must be held to account for its actions’ and that failing to do so dehumanises Palestinians. The BBC has been accused by more than 100 of its staff of giving Israel favourable coverage in its reporting of the war on Gaza and criticised for its lack of “accurate evidence-based journalism”. Zie verder of https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/11/2/over-100-staff-accuse-bbc-of-bias-in-its-coverage-of-israels-war-in-gaza.
- US congresswoman Rashida Tlaib declines to endorse Kamala Harris over Gaza stance
Arab News, 3 november 2024, ‘The conflict in Gaza has become a major issue for the large Arab American voter base in Michigan, and Tlaib’s non-endorsement on Friday marked a notable departure in her progressive circle, known as the “Squad.” The other members — Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — endorsed Harris in July, making Tlaib the sole holdout. Addressing the rally, Tlaib encouraged those attending to mobilize against corporate interests.’ Zie verder of https://arab.news/pxqnn.
- Democraten proberen op de valreep blanco proteststemmers uit pro-Palestijnse hoek over te halen
Trouw.nl. 3 november 2024, ‘Wegens het Israëlbeleid van de regering-Biden is onder Amerikaanse pro-Palestijnse kiezers weinig animo om op Harris te stemmen. Boegbeelden als Bernie Sanders sporen hen aan om haar tóch te steunen.’ Zie verder of https://archive.ph/ueQrq#selection-931.0-1069.66.
- 18 more killed by Israeli attacks in Lebanon as death toll rises to 2,986 since October 2023
Anadolu Ajency, 03.11.2024 – Update : 04.11.2024, ‘More than 13,402 injured in attacks since last year, Lebanese Health Ministry says. The death toll from Israel’s airstrikes in Lebanon has reached 2,986 since last October, the Lebanese Health Ministry said Sunday. A statement reported that 13,402 people have been wounded since hostilities began last October.’ ZIe verder of https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/18-more-killed-by-israeli-attacks-in-lebanon-as-death-toll-rises-to-2-986-since-october-2023/3383150.
- Israel’s path of destruction in southern Lebanon raises fears of an attempt to create a buffer zone
Associated Press, 2 november 2024, ‘Perched on a hilltop a short walk from the Israeli border, the tiny southern Lebanese village of Ramyah has almost been wiped off the map. In a neighboring village, satellite photos show a similar scene: a hill once covered with houses, now reduced to a gray smear of rubble.’ Zie verder of https://apnews.com/article/hezbollah-israel-lebanon-buffer-zone-invasion-478f6970b049b3be52cc56c8e14b84e6.
- Monitor says Israel strike on Syria weapons depots kills 10
The New Arab, 1 november 2024, ‘At least 11 other people were wounded in several strikes that also targeted warehouses near the Lebanese border and a bridge south of Qusayr in Syria. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 10 people, mostly civilians, were killed Thursday in Israeli strikes on Syria’s Qusayr region bordering Lebanon, where Israel said it hit Hezbollah weapons depots.’ Zie verder of https://www.newarab.com/news/israel-strike-syria-weapons-depots-kills-10-monitor.
- The Longer Iran Waits to Attack Israel, the More Risks It Takes
Haaretz, Amos Harel, 4 november 2024, ‘After Israel’s attack caused serious damage to Iran’s missile and drone production lines, reports estimate the retaliatory attack will come from Iraq ■ Netanyahu is insisting the affair involving leaked intelligence from the IDF to foreign media is another case of selective enforcement against him.’ ZIe verder of https://archive.ph/Tii4f.
Guido van Leemput