Het Nieuws Vandaag: 6-12-2024

6 December 2024
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  1. EU-landen schroeven hun gezamenlijke defensie-uitgaven op met tientallen miljarden euro’s

NRC, 5 december 2024, De EU heeft de laatste jaren een snelle verhoging van de defensiebudgetten doorgevoerd. Nu gaat het om een totaalbedrag van 326 miljard euro dat aan defensie is begroot. Dat is bijna 17 procent meer dan vorig jaar, toen de EU-lidstaten 279 miljard euro uitgaven. Met deze verhoging kan in de VS gesteld worden dat de NAVO-partners hun best doen om aan de Amerikaanse eisen te voldoen. Zie  https://archive.ph/wapTG.


  1. Minister Brekelmans wil snel besluit nemen over langere baan vliegbasis Leeuwarden

Omrop Fryslan, 5 december 2024, ‘De Leeuwarder vliegbasis is zeer belangrijk voor de verdediging van Nederland en Europa. Dat zei minister van defensie Ruben Brekelmans donderdag in de 13e Rede van Fryslân. De minister wil daarom snel een besluit nemen over het verlengen van de start- en landingsbaan.’ Zie https://www.omropfryslan.nl/nl/nieuws/17046746/minister-brekelmans-wil-snel-besluit-nemen-over-langere-baan-vliegbasis-leeuwarden


  1. Minister Brekelmans ziet niets in herinvoeren opkomstplicht

WNL, 5 december 2024, ‘Minister van Defensie Ruben Brekelmans ziet niets in het herinvoeren van de opkomstplicht. “In vredestijd is het de vraag wat de krijgsmacht voor de samenleving kan doen, maar in oorlogstijd is het de vraag wat de samenleving voor de krijgsmacht kan doen”, zei Brekelmans. Hij wees erop dat Nederland momenteel in een ‘grijze zone’ verkeert, met bijna dagelijks incidenten die de veiligheid bedreigen.’ Zie https://wnl.tv/2024/12/05/minister-brekelmans-ziet-niets-in-herinvoeren-opkomstplicht


  1. Europe races to set up €500bn defence fund

Financial Times, 5 december 2024, Geld voor Defensie wordt voornamelijk in de Amerikaanse wapenindustrie besteed. De plannen om de Europese defensie-industrie te versterken komen ook in een stroomversnelling. Aldus de Financial Times dat stelt dat een fonds van zo’n 500 miljard Britse ponden dichterbij komt. De financiering zou dan met Eurobonds  (Europese obligaties) moeten worden gefinancierd. Dat laatste was tot nu toe een taboe. Zie https://archive.ph/SM8Xn.


  1. On a forgotten part of Ukraine’s front line, Russian forces mass for assault on Dnipro islands

Kyiv Independent, 5 december2024, Een overzicht van de ontwikkelingen van de laatste weken. Oekraïne wil wapens. Zie 5.

Aan de zeer brede rivier de Dnjepr, Dnipro in het Oekraïens, wordt hard gevochten om kleine eilandjes in die rivier.

‘With attention focused on Moscow’s grinding advances in Donbas, and Ukraine’s efforts to hold onto Russian territory in Kursk Oblast, one area of the front lines continues to see daily battles but little coverage. Ukrainian and Russian forces are locked in an ongoing fight over a series of small islands in the Dnipro River, control of which would allow Moscow’s forces to intensify attacks on the embattled city of Kherson in southern Ukraine.’ Zie https://kyivindependent.com/on-a-forgotten-part-of-the-front-line-russian-forces-try-to-secure-footholds-on-dnipro-islands/.


  1. Ukraine seeks to ensure weapons supply as Russia hammers its defences

Al Jazeera, 5 december 2024, ‘Russia has pounded Ukraine with long-range weapons and sustained ground assaults in the country’s east during the past week, showing little sign of fatigue in the supply of men or arms, as Ukraine tried to ensure that the US presidential transition would not dent military aid.’ Zie https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/12/5/ukraine-seeks-to-ensure-weapons-supply-as-russia-hammers-its-defences.


  1. Germany’s ‘peace chancellor’ spars with rivals over Ukraine

Financial Times, 6 december 2024, Over twee maanden, 23 februari 2025, worden verkiezingen in Duitsland gehouden. Nu begint Scholz zich als vredeskanselier te profileren.

‘Olaf Scholz, the Social Democrat incumbent, and his rival Friedrich Merz, leader of the opposition Christian Democrats (CDU), have both put the war at the heart of their campaigns ahead of snap elections in February. Last weekend Scholz accused Merz of “playing Russian roulette with Germany’s security” by issuing ultimatums to Moscow, while Merz said it was in the Social Democrats’ “DNA to mobilise fears of war”.  Zie https://archive.ph/mgNiZ.


  1. Blinken Says Ukraine Needs to Get Younger People Fighting Russia

Reuters, 4 december 2024, De VS, Blinken, wil dat Oekraïne meer mensen naar het front stuurt en wil daarom aanzienlijke verlaging van de leeftijd voor de dienstplicht naar 18 jaar.

‘Blinken’s comments reflect a growing view among Western officials that Kyiv urgently needs more manpower as well as money and munitions to reverse Russian battlefield gains. The call-up is currently from the age of 25.’ Zie https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2024-12-04/blinken-says-ukraine-needs-to-get-younger-people-fighting-russia.


  1. Russia’s Lavrov clashes with Blinken at OSCE meeting

Al Jazeera, 5 december 2024, De scheidende Amerikaanse minister Blinken had ruzie met de Russische minister van Buitenlandse zaken Lavrov. Ze waren op een OVSE-bijeenkomst op Malta in dezelfde zaal. Dat was al heel wat. Zie



  1. Waarom Nederland 46 tanks koopt, ondanks dat drones groot gevaar voor ze zijn

Parool, 4 december 2024, ‘Spotgoedkope drones die met een simpele granaat een tank van vele miljoenen uitschakelen. De filmpjes gaan sinds de oorlog in Oekraïne viral op sociale media, maar toch leidt de aankoop van 46 nieuwe tanks in de Tweede Kamer nauwelijks tot discussie. Deze week wordt er waarschijnlijk tot 2,5 miljard euro voor vrijgemaakt. Maar wat hebben we aan tanks als drones zo’n grote dreiging zijn?’ Zie https://www.parool.nl/nederland/waarom-nederland-46-tanks-koopt-ondanks-dat-drones-groot-gevaar-voor-ze-zijn~b6178e4c/.


  1. Israeli Attacks on Gaza Kill 48 Palestinians Over 24 Hours

Antiwar.com, 5 december 2024, ‘Gaza’s Health Ministry said Thursday that Israeli attacks killed 48 Palestinians and wounded 201 over the previous 24-hour period as relentless strikes continued. The Health Ministry said the latest violence brought its death toll since October 2023 to 44,580 and the number of wounded to 105,739.’ Zie https://news.antiwar.com/2024/12/05/israeli-attacks-on-gaza-kill-48-palestinians-over-24-hours/.


  1. Death march from Beit Lahia

DropSiteNews, 5 december 2024, ‘Hossam Shabat, a 23-year-old journalist with Al Jazeera Mubasher, is one of the few reporters to have remained and survived in northern Gaza since Israel’s genocidal assault began 14 months ago. His bravery and dedication to covering one of the most brutal military campaigns in recent history is almost beyond comprehension. Hossam has witnessed untold death and suffering on a daily basis. He has been displaced over 20 times. His colleagues have been killed in front of him. Last month he was wounded in an Israeli airstrike. Hossam is among six Al Jazeera journalists the Israeli military has publicly accused of being terrorists. He recently said that he feels hunted. Hossam will be reporting for Drop Site News from northern Gaza. In his first dispatch, he documents a vicious mass expulsion campaign by the Israeli military in Beit Lahia that forced thousands of Palestinian families to flee one of the last remaining shelters in the besieged town.’ Zie https://www.dropsitenews.com/p/death-march-from-beit-lahia.


  1. ‘No Food, No Water’ – UNRWA Warns Besieged in Northern Gaza ‘Will Die of Hunger’

Palestine Chronicle, 5 december 2024, ‘This is a man-made disaster and it’s absolutely unconscionable that this continues. Around 60,000 Palestinians in the northern Gaza Strip are living in catastrophic conditions under the Israeli siege that has been ongoing for more than 60 days, according to a spokesperson for UN Relief Agency for Palestine Refugees).’ Zie https://www.palestinechronicle.com/no-food-no-water-unrwa-warns-besieged-in-northern-gaza-will-die-of-hunger/.


  1. Tel Aviv University developed live dog cameras for army unit linked to Gaza attacks

Middle East Eye, 5 december 2024, ‘Dog unit has been linked to brutal attacks on civilians, including mauling of man with Down’s syndrome who was left to die. Tel Aviv University is running an “engineering war room” developing technology for the Israeli army including a live-streaming facility for a dog-mounted camera used by a canine unit linked to deadly attacks on Palestinian civilians in Gaza.’ Zie https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/tel-aviv-university-developed-dog-cameras-army-unit-linked-gaza-attacks.


  1. Israeli strikes on Gaza kill dozens as Hamas official says talks resume

Al Jazeera, 5 december 2024, ‘The Israeli military has killed at least 39 Palestinians in overnight strikes across the Gaza Strip, medics said, including at least 21 in an attack that set ablaze tents sheltering displaced Palestinian families in a crowded camp.’ Zie https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/12/5/israeli-strikes-on-gaza-kill-dozens-as-hamas-official-says-talks-resume


  1. Report of Israel establishing military bases in long-term presence in Gaza raises concern in US

Arab Weekly, 4 december 2024, ‘The United States voiced opposition Tuesday to any Israeli permanent base-building in the Gaza Strip after The New York Times reported an acceleration of construction by the Israeli military. The State Department said it could not confirm the report in the newspaper, which said that its analysis of satellite imagery showed stepped-up base construction accompanied by the demolition of more than 600 buildings in central Gaza, indicating a longer-term presence.’ Zie https://thearabweekly.com/report-israel-establishing-military-bases-long-term-presence-gaza-raises-concern-us


  1. The real reason a former Israeli army chief called out ethnic cleansing in Gaza

+972Magazine, 5 december 2024, Een analyse over de spanningen in de staatsinstellingen van Israël.

On Sunday, Dec. 1, Less concerned by the plight of Palestinians, Moshe Ya’alon fears the impact on the defense establishment of Netanyahu’s anti-democratic revolution. Zie https://www.972mag.com/moshe-yaalon-ethnic-cleansing-gaza/.


  1. 5 hurt in Israeli attack on southern Lebanon as cease-fire violations continue

Anadolu Ajensi, Yusuf Alioglu, 5 december 2024, ‘Israeli army onslaught on Aitaroun town in Bint Jbeil district injured 5 people, bringing total number of cease-fire violation since deal went into effect on Nov. 27 to 137. Zie https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/5-hurt-in-israeli-attack-on-southern-lebanon-as-cease-fire-violations-continue/3414666.


  1. Israeli airstrikes target Syria-Lebanon border 

Rudaw, 6 december 2024, ‘Israeli airstrikes early Friday morning hit a crossing on the border between Syria and Lebanon. The Israeli air force, in a post on X, said it carried out an attack on ”terrorist infrastructure near the Syrian regime’s border crossings between Syria and Lebanon, which were used to transfer munitions to the terrorist organization Hezbollah.” Zie https://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/syria/061220241.


  1. With Assad’s Regime on the Brink, Israel Beefs Up Presence on Border to Thwart Raids From Syria

Haaretz, Amos Harel, 6 december 2024, Hoewel het staakt-het-vuren in Libanon min of meer wordt gerespecteerd, is in Syrië de oorlog spectaculair herstart. De islamitische groepen, vermomde Al Kaida types, rukken op. Na Aleppo hebben ze Hama in genomen en zijn ze op weg naar Homs.

‘Hezbollah’s agreeing to American involvement in implementing the cease-fire shows just how far the Iranian-backed group has fallen. Trump may talk the talk by threatening Hamas, but he probably does not have the means to pressure it.’ Zie  https://archive.ph/lPVYR.


  1. Erdogan’s Syrian Adventure Is a Dangerous Gamble for the Middle East

Haaretz, Zvi Bar’el, 3 december 2024, Of de nieuw strijd in Syrië beperkt van omvang blijft of dat Rusland of Iran de regering van Syrië te hulp gaan schieten is onzeker. Maar een nieuwe internationale oorlog is een risico.

The Turkish president sees the election of Donald Trump as an opportunity to improve his standing, but the Syrian arena could drag him into a broader war – which is the last thing he wants.‘ Zie https://archive.ph/EI90g.

Guido van Leemput


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