- Na het vertrek van minister Blinken van de VS uit Israël
Anthony Blinken, minister van Buitenlandse zaken van de VS, bezocht Israël gisteren voor de 11e keer sinds 7 oktober 2023. Hij nam de oorlog door die Israël onderneemt en probeerde hier en daar Amerikaanse accenten te plaatsen, niet in het minst in het licht van de Amerikaanse verkiezingen over twee weken. Zie 6.
Dat betekent dat de doelen van een Israëlische aanval op Iran zijn bepaald, en goedgekeurd. Het aftellen naar de aanval kan beginnen. Zie 12.
Iran heeft een waarschuwing gegeven dat de reactie daarop nog erger wordt.. Zie 13.
De VS wilden extra humanitaire hulp in Gaza en wilden dat Netanyahu openlijk afstand neemt van het etnische zuiveringsprogramma dat in noord-Gaza loopt. Al bijna een week of drie. Netanyahu ontkent het plan maar wil dat niet openlijk zeggen. Het wordt dus uitgevoerd. Zie 6.
In Gaza gaat het moorden door. Zie 2.
Israël heeft Gaza het afgelopen jaar 250.000 vrachtwagens aan hulp onthouden. Zie 3.
Bovendien is de sociaaleconomische ontwikkeling in Gaza zeker 69 jaar teruggeworpen als gevolg van de genocide. Zie 4.
Voor de naaste toekomst moet Gaza weer een gated community worden met biometrische controle. Een Amerikaanse firma wil dat wel regelen. Zie 5.
In Libanon gaat het moorden ook door. Zie 7 en 8.
Er is zelfs wit fosfor tegen Unifil zijn gebruikt in de afgelopen weken. Zie 10.
De militaire analist van Haaretz, Amos Harel, mocht weer met het leger mee in Libanon en komt terug met interessante observaties. Zie 11.
De commissie Koenders, de Adviesraad Internationale Vraagstukken, heeft een advies over Israël gepubliceerd. Erken de staat Palestina. Zie 14.
- Israeli Military Kills 115 Palestinians in Gaza Over 48-Hour Period
Antiwar.com 22 oktober 2024, ‘Gaza’s Health Ministry said Tuesday that Israeli forces killed at least 115 Palestinians and wounded 487 in the previous 48-hour period.’ Zie verder of https://news.antiwar.com/2024/10/22/israeli-military-kills-115-palestinians-in-gaza-over-48-hour-period/#gsc.tab=0.
- Israel blocked over 250,000 aid trucks from entering Gaza in one year of genocide: Officials
The Cradle, 22 oktober 2024, ‘The UN warned last week that over 1.8 million people in the Gaza Strip are facing ‘extreme levels’ of hunger. Israel has been preventing the entry of hundreds of thousands of humanitarian aid trucks into the besieged Gaza Strip since the beginning of the war last year, Gaza’s Government Media Office confirmed in a statement on 22 October.’ Zie verder of https://thecradle.co/articles/israel-blocked-over-250000-aid-trucks-from-entering-gaza-in-one-year-of-genocide-officials.
- Israel’s war on Gaza has set development back by 69 years, UN says
Al Jazeera, 22 oktober 2024, ‘UNDP assessment says poverty will cross 74 percent in 2024, affecting 4.1 million people, in the Palestinian territory. Israel’s war on Gaza has set back development indicators such as health and education by nearly 70 years, a new United Nations report has found, with millions more Palestinians falling below the poverty line.’ Zie verder of https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/10/22/israels-war-on-gaza-has-set-development-back-69-years-un-says.
- Israel considering US firm for biometric screening of Palestinians in Gaza
Middle East Eye, 22 oktober 2024, ‘Israeli war cabinet discusses proposals for security firm, describing itself as ‘Uber for war zones’, to securitise aid. Israel is considering a plan to deploy private US logistics and security companies to create a “gated community” in Gaza where Palestinians would be subjected to biometric screenings to receive aid, according to media reports.’ Zie verder of https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-considering-us-firm-biometric-screening-palestinians-gaza.
- Blinken presses Israel’s Netanyahu on dire conditions in northern Gaza
Washington Post, 22 oktober 2024, ‘Blinken questioned the Israeli leader about a plan backed by some officials to gain control of the north by starving out or killing Palestinians currently there.’ Zie verder of https://archive.vn/YRekK.
- At least 63 killed in Israeli strikes on Lebanon in last day, says Lebanese government
Reuters, 22 oktober 2024, ‘At least 63 people were killed in Israeli strikes on Lebanon over the last day, bringing the total death toll to 2,530, the Lebanese government said on Tuesday.
It also said that more than 11,800 people had been wounded by Israeli strikes on Lebanon since October 2023.’ Zie ook https://archive.vn/omNL0
- After a Deadly Strike Near Beirut, Ringtones Sound From Under Rubble
New York Times, 22 oktober 2024, ‘As search teams combed the ruins of residential buildings across from Rafik Hariri University Hospital just south of Lebanon’s capital, locals listened for signs of their loved ones in the wreckage. The air was thick with dust. The wreckage beneath, mangled and smoldering. The overnight Israeli strike had come without warning, leaving no time to evacuate.’ Zie verder of https://archive.vn/j9ZeD.
- Two Israeli Soldiers Killed, Three Severely Injured Along Lebanon Border
Antiwar.com, 22 oktober 2024, ‘As escalating Israeli strikes are killing a growing number of civilians across Lebanon, Hezbollah has continued returning fire against Israeli military targets along the border area. Today, 10 rockets were fired at an artillery battalion in Neot Mordechai in the Galilee Panhandle of northern Israel.’ Zie verder of https://news.antiwar.com/2024/10/22/two-israeli-soldiers-killed-three-severely-injured-along-lebanon-border/#gsc.tab=0.
- Israeli Use of White Phosphorus in Lebanon Injured UN Peacekeepers: Report
Common Dreams, 22 oktober 2024, ‘One observer said the illegal use of the devastating chemical agent is “yet another reason” why the Biden administration “must halt offensive weapons shipments to Israel.” Israel Defense Forces troops recently forced their way into a United Nations peacekeeper base in southern Lebanon and fired white phosphorus munitions in close enough proximity to injure 15 U.N. personnel, according to a report published Tuesday.’ Zie verder of https://www.commondreams.org/news/white-phosphorus-lebanon.
- Close to ‘Mission Accomplished’ in Lebanon, the IDF Is Just Waiting for the Outcome of Talks
Haaretz, Amos Harel, 23 oktober 2024, Hezbollah has been hit harder than even the most optimistic Israeli military official could have expected, but intelligence experts are certain it will start rebuilding almost immediately ■ Efforts to reach a political agreement in Lebanon must involve an admission that the previous arrangement was never really implemented ■ It is hard to disconnect IDF operations in Gaza with the dangerous resettlement plan being touted by the radical right. Zie verder of https://archive.ph/QZ4a8.
- PM’s Office Announcement
Gov.il, The 37th Government, 22 oktober2024, ‘Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today, met for approximately two-and-a-half hours with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. The meeting was friendly and productive; an expanded meeting was held afterward, with the participation of both sides’ professional echelons. The issue of the Iranian threat was raised, including the need for both countries to unite against it.’ Zie verder of https://www.gov.il/en/pages/spoke-blinken221024.
- Any action by Israel against Iran will draw much bigger response: IRGC commander
PRESStv.ir, 22 October 2024, ‘A senior commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has warned that if the Zionists undertake a “significant action” against Iran, they will surely face a response “several times greater” in intensity.’ Zie verder of https://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2024/10/22/735777/Any-action-by-Zionists-against-Iran-will-trigger-a-response-several-times-greater-IRGC-commander.
- Advies: nieuwe koers Nederland nodig in Israëlisch-Palestijns conflict
NOS.nl, 23 oktober 2024, ‘Nederland moet zijn houding en beleid ten aanzien van het Israëlisch-Palestijnse conflict veranderen, en zich meer inzetten voor een staakt-het-vuren in Gaza en Libanon. Ook moet ons land zich samen met andere Europese landen effectiever inspannen om een grotere regionale oorlog in het Midden-Oosten te voorkomen, zegt de Adviesraad Internationale Vraagstukken (AIV), het adviescollege voor regering en parlement op het gebied van buitenlands beleid.’ Zie verder of https://nos.nl/artikel/2541776-advies-nieuwe-koers-nederland-nodig-in-israelisch-palestijns-conflict (zie ‘Naar een nieuwe koers voor Nederland in het Israëlisch-Palestijnse conflict’; https://www.adviesraadinternationalevraagstukken.nl/documenten/publicaties/2024/10/23/aiv-briefadvies-39-naar-een-nieuwe-koers-voor-nederland-in-het-israelisch-palestijnse-conflict).
Guido van Leemput